Silk Road forums

Market => Product requests => Topic started by: Dieterkologe on July 28, 2011, 03:59 pm

Title: Smokeable Opium in Europe
Post by: Dieterkologe on July 28, 2011, 03:59 pm
Hi SRs,

is there some kind of drug-cartel conspiracy going on, or am I just toot blind to see the listings? There even seems to be no seller for opium in small amounts at high prices.
I think lots of people not so deep into opiates, but with an open mind would love to taste the dreamy state of opiates, without the side effects of h or things like that.
Title: Re: Smokeable Opium in Europe
Post by: nomad bloodbath on July 28, 2011, 04:18 pm
The USA has a Special Ops army around the opium fields in afghanie, yo!
Obama is a Opium addict, you didn't know this?

Most ppl cant grow enough opium for more than themselves and the ones that can have no access to computers.
1.Move to South America
2.Grow Poppies
3. ???????
4. Profit
Title: Re: Smokeable Opium in Europe
Post by: FreshDumbledore on July 28, 2011, 05:41 pm
Poppies are grown industrially in Austria and Hungary. And yes, they should be potent :3
Title: Re: Smokeable Opium in Europe
Post by: profspudhed on July 28, 2011, 05:57 pm
there are already threads on opium, as it is im waiting on an order of some myself (any day now....... the suspense is killing me!) so although it may not be on SR it is out there if you go searching, ive found not one but two sellers. and you dont need to live in south america to grow poppies, theyll grow in many places, even here in merry old england where i got my first tester of sorts (noticed quite a few opium poppies growing wild locally, so i lopped the pods off, scored em and pasted the latex on a rizla, didnt get a long lasting hit but it definitely had an effect, i however cant be bothered with the hassle of leeching the latex and curing it etc so i just bought some, im lazy like that)
Title: Re: Smokeable Opium in Europe
Post by: war_on_hugs on July 29, 2011, 06:31 am
someone is selling seeds on SR.  (papavir somniferum) you can grow the flowers indoors year round -  it takes roughly 3 months per crop.
Title: Re: Smokeable Opium in Europe
Post by: profspudhed on July 29, 2011, 02:17 pm
but arent those seeds engineered to produce a majority of thebanine (spelling?) rather than morphine so i imagine it would give a slightly different high to classical opium, not that im an expert by any stretch, also you have to do it properly i think or you end up with a somewhat chokey and short acting result like i did.

you know with all the people asking it makes me wish i had the required 3 or 4 grand to buy a decent chunk and sell it on here by the gram, id make a fortune, shame im a broke, lazy kind of guy who already has a full time job (hence no time for hours of communication/packaging/labelling/posting etc, plus im always stoned so id probably make a right pigs ear of it) but surely someone else out there is up for it, its money waiting to be made, bought in bulk you can get it for around 16 euro per gram, sell it at 25 or even 30 on the g and youre laughing all the way to the bank (or not as bitcoins avoid using those shady bastards, god i hate banks) if you really cant find it yourself (and its not hard) just pm me and ill tell you where to get it, but if you found SR then you can probably find the other sites too
Title: Re: Smokeable Opium in Europe
Post by: brownbud on August 06, 2011, 12:05 pm
I have Opium in stock. Check the pics in the attachments.

You can make tea or smoke the O. Either way is good.

You can contact me:
Title: Re: Smokeable Opium in Europe
Post by: Yokozooma on August 06, 2011, 08:44 pm
Some one has opium( Afghan) on offer.{ EU, Canada}


he is unable to muster the ten coins to get registered as a seller on SR. he will give a remarkable discount to any one who can offer help.
he is aware of the fact that deals out side of this forum are not appreciated but any one of you who would still want to have a word may inquire on